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What to do when your cancer is gone but everything still feels different.

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Who Am I?

Hi, I’m Kim Rainer...

the founder of All About Spirit Life, Health, and Money Coaching. When you first glance at my site, you might ask, why such an eclectic collection of services? The answer is simple, but getting here was not easy. Bottom line, I coach on what I survived: Health transformation! Career restart! Financial rebuild! Life reinvented!

Like you, I have had my share of crisis. I’m gang-rape survivor and a cancer survivor (stage 3C ovarian, to be exact). Stress and healing from it comes in cycles and waves. Let's look at cancer. My diagnosis and ensuing treatment destroyed my health and wellness, left me emotionally debilitated, and financially destroyed! I realized that although my treatment had ended, and my cancer was gone… my real recovery had only just begun. And this is true for every Life Interrupted moment I experienced - big or small. I began searching for ways to rebuild my life after cancer had swept through it like a hurricane. I found my way and I will help you find your way too – no matter what your facing!

I can’t promise rebuilding your life will be easy - but if you are willing to put in the effort, it is worth every minute, dollar, drop of blood, sweat and tears you invest.


Rebuilding Lives when the Unexpected Happens...

Return to wellness with tried-and-true solutions for your:

Health ~ Debt ~ Career ~ Life

We repeatedly live through the seasons of birth, growth, dormancy, death and re-birth. There is no escaping them, it is the nature of life. Living through an unplanned change (crises or not) accelerates the process. When to much change happens too quickly, it can start a cycle of one stress after another. When we find ourselves in a stress cycle everything ratchets up. Our minds and bodies respond, and the cycle looks something like this.

Imagine, it’s time for your annual check-up. There is a health scare, and your overall wellness is at risk. You need to take some time off work for tests. Work is supportive, but you feel guilty about not pulling your weight. You have a hard time keeping up. There’s work stress and health stress! Your health and wellness are at stake! .

Now, a few weeks go by, your car breaks down. You need to have it repaired, but don't have the cash because you’ve been off work. You put the repairs on credit. Crisis averted - and your stress level decreases. But the residue of your stress remains.

Then you receive your credit card bill - no way to pay off the balance and your stress ratchets up again. Then the medical bills come. You have a hard time keeping your mind on your work. You’re put on probation. Your emotional wellbeing is being pushed to the limit. Family problems mount. You get sick again. And the challenges keep coming. Before you have time to recover, another crisis rears its ugly head.

Now, you are in a critical phase of the stress cycle! I know because I've lived it.

Long after the initial crises is over, the stress and fallout carries on! I know, because I've lived that too!

But there are solutions! Believe me when I say I know, because I have lived that too!

What's Heaviest on Your Heart? How Can I Best Help?

You can get out of the stress cycle. You can step into your power and create, instead of respond. You can live life from a brand-new perspective.

With solutions offered at All About Spirit Life, Health and Money Coaching, you can become the master of: your health, by giving your body what it needs to thrive; your finances, by eliminating your debt; your career by creating supplemental ongoing income and finally being paid for your efforts; and in life, by facing life on life's terms. You can start making choices instead of reacting. It is time to start living the life of your dreams.  Not sure where to start? Email or text me to book a 30-minute getting to know you session - and we'll see where we go from there.

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