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E-65 The Healing Power of Heart and Mind

Embracing Wholeness in the Face of Cancer – Part 2

The moment we are diagnosed with cancer, most of us in the cancer survivor network agree, one of our earliest reactions is fear. Considering this, it makes sense for us to take a deeper look at fear, and then our body’s reaction to fear, early in this series.

In the face of cancer, we fear pain, dependence, disfigurement, loss and even death. In addition to fear there comes a cascade of emotions and physiological responses in the form of hormones being released. Due to this hormonal flood we find ourselves thrown into the fight, flight or freeze response.

Back in the day, this response kept us safe from saber tooth tigers, and other external threats. Unfortunately, when receiving a cancer diagnosis, the threat we face is housed beneath our skin. That being the case, fleeing is not an option.

Cancer diagnosis, fear and it’s many faces . . .

Instead of being able to run to the comfort of someone’s arms, we feel betrayed by our own body. As a result, we are left with an even deeper sense of despair and fears we had not previously considered.Face of Fear

They show up as fear of:

  • Our body being betrayed
  • Mortality
  • Who will care for the family

These fears and reactions to hearing your cancer diagnosis are natural and normal. And to tell the truth, there is no escaping them.

At some level, we understand that our bodies may physically break down. Yet it is entirely a different experience when we find ourselves facing a serious illness.

Few of us can easily navigate such a storm, and yet, we often come to find a deep and meaningful life.

The inherent healing power of heart, mind and body . . .

As an 11-year cancer survivor, I know how important it is to engage the inherent healing power of my heart, mind and body. Furthermore, engaging as soon as possible is my recommendation.

There is no doubt in my mind that engaging completely in this way sets our healing powers in motion, so we can start on our path of healing no matter what is going on.

Separating yourself from your cancer diagnosis . . .

It is important to have a plan, a strategy a process for dealing with cancer. Initially we may look to our medical team for solution. However, among their treatment plan, and their words of encouragement for as a cancer patient, you need to participate in your healing too.

My first recommendation is to find a way to separate yourself from your cancer diagnosis and illness. The sooner you start the better off you’ll be.

You might be asking how do I do that? Start by asking questions:

  • What can I do to improve my outcome?
  • How can I stimulate my inner healing?
  • What should I do to maximize the benefits of my medical treatments?
  • How do I actively partner with my medical team?

When we consciously focus our attention on healing and cooperation with our medical team, we can begin to address the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs not typically addressed by your medical oncology team Embracing wholeness in the face of cancer is designed to do just that.

Learning to differentiate between oneself on one’s illness is the first step. Taking that step opens the door to the inherent healing power in our hearts, minds and bodies

Our cancer diagnosis thrust us into crisis mode . . .

Finding out you have cancer is life-changing. Subsequently, our cancer diagnosis automatically and instantly thrust us into crisis mode. According to Dr. Simon, the word for crisis in Chinese is a combination of two symbols. First being the symbol for danger;  the second being the symbol of opportunity.

There is surely danger with a cancer diagnosis. Simultaneously however, we are presented an opportunity to look at how we are living our life.

Cancer diagnosis as a gift . . .

We don’t set out to get cancer, or any serious illness for that matter. However, as we continue on our journey, we find it becomes one of the most important and meaningful experiences in our lives. For many, me included, we eventually come to a place where we are able to see our cancer diagnosis as a gift.

With this new perspective,on a journey we never plan to take, we are given opportunities for personal growth and wisdom that nourish our body, mind and spirit in ways we would never imagine.

Influencing the course and meaning of your illness . . .

By invoking the innate wisdom of the Self, you can influence the course and the meaning of your illness. Your life choices, thoughts and emotions can create an inner and outer environment. However my friend, that part is up to you. No one can do it for you.

Now, that doesn’t mean sticking a happy face on our cancer diagnosis is going to make it all better. It doesn’t mean repeating affirmations that  your cancer will magically evaporate. We don’t cure a headache by taping an aspirin to our forehead, and we won’t cure our cancer diagnosis that way either. So what do we do?

A genuine shift in our perception . . .

When we experience a genuine shift our perception, we literally create a new opportunity to interpret the cancer diagnosis challenge we are facing. According to the Chopra Center for Well Being and Dr. David Simon, understanding the mind, body connection supports they idea

that our perception of the world around us: sight, sound, sensations, taste and smells, fuel the chemical code that orchestrates the symphony of our body.

What we invite chemo, food, herbs, music and love into our body, it literally transforms the substance of our life. That shift in our chemical code activates the transformation process within us and can mean the difference between well-being and suffering, and life and death.

How events of the past shape our reality . . .

How you interpret the events of your life become the record of your reality. Your expectations for your future are influenced by the experiences of your past. If you have seen friends or family struggle with cancer, your expectations are shaped by that experience. Their experience may create the expectation that you will struggle too.

Statistically, some cancer diagnoses offer little hope . If we don’t want that to become our reality, we can stop filling our minds with that information. When first diagnosed with stage 3-c ovarian cancer, I had a 30% survival rate. In contrast, overall I felt healthy up until the moment of diagnosis.

New ways to handle the challenge . . .

Finding new ways to handle the challenge of a cancer diagnosis is a powerful gift we can offer ourselves and other people. Here are some of

  • Stop focusing on what is wrong, focus on what is right
  • Read stories of people who beat the odds instead of horror stories
  • Supplement your treatment with healthy food and exercise
  • Begin a daily spiritual practice
  • Spend time in meditation
  • Exercise your power of choice

These are all free and easy ways you can help yourself meet the challenges of your cancer diagnosis.

Consciously invoking natures wisdom . . .

As you walk through your cancer journey, always remember you have the power of choice. Consciously invoking natures wisdom is a part of your right to choose.

You can choose to:

  • React or get creative
  • Shut-down or make changes
  • Disengage or invite life in
  • Eat your emotions or deal with them
  • Hand over your responsibility for healing or awaken your innate healer within
  • Follow only the path most traveled or follow that path and blaze our own trail

Going forward from here . . .

To embrace wholeness in the face of cancer it is helpful to understand what cancer is about. Understanding the relationship between the healing nature of our heart and mind and what the medical system can do.

My invitation to you this week is to spend some time with your heart and mind. Consciously invite and invoke the healing power of natures wisdom into your life. Call upon the innate intelligence of your body.

Take some time to explore my work and check the work of others playing in the field of conscious healing.

As always if you found this information helpful, your share’s and likes help make these videos available to more people.

Thanks for joining me on this journey and make it a great week!

Embracing Wholeness in the Face of Cancer:

This series is similar to math in that what we talk about this week builds on what we have talked about previously. If you have not started this series with Part 1: Life is a Paradox, I would invite you to follow the link below and begin at the beginning.

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